Instructional Support
The Instructional Support program writes and directs grant programs to supplement K-12 students' academic, health, emotional, social, and physical well-being. This program interacts and collaborates with system administrators, local teachers. involved parents, community agencies, business partners, and other vocational, state, and local stakeholders.
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Ms. Pamela Franklin
Administrative Assistant: Instructional Support & Ancillary Services
Phone: 334-566-1850
Ext 81126
Community Education
Education in a community depends on the support of parents, citizens, teachers, churches, support personnel, administrators, students, elders, businesses, and any other interested parties of Banks, Alabama, Brundidge, Alabama, Troy, Alabama and Goshen, Alabama.
Get involved with the following community and school partnership activities:
- Adult Basic Education Program
- At Risk Program
- Board Biz Newsletter
- Business Industry/Parent Visitation
- Character Education
- Community Outreach Program
- Extended Day Care
- 4-H
- Grandparents Day
- Healthy Schools / Healthy Kids
- Indian Program Edu-tainment Presentation
- Calendar of Events
- Pike County Homecoming Parades
- Parent Expo
- School Volunteers
- TU Educator's Recruitment Day
- Tutoring & Mentoring Programs
- TV-52 Community Highlights
Character Education
Character Education is taught in grades K-12.
Main Character Education traits taught are as follows:
C - Commitment
H - Honesty
A - Attentiveness
R - Respect
A - Acceptance
C - Compassion
T - Trust
E - Excellence
R - Responsibility
System text Committee
The System Textbook Committee follows state and local board guidelines for selection, issuance, and disposal of textbooks. Prior to state adopted textbooks being furnished to students, the system textbook coordinator chairs the System Textbook Committee, consisting of administrators, teachers, and parents representing their school, to evaluate and to recommend for Board approval of all student textbooks used in the school system.
Library Media Program
The Library Media Program is a vital part of learning at all schools in the system. The Library Media Specialist at each school encourages students, teachers, and community residents to check-out various types of media materials from the school library.